Friday, November 2, 2012

Staycation 101: Movie Marathon

Ted (July 2012)
Now this is one movie I wish I've seen together with my boyfriend as recompense for all the chick flicks he may have sat through in his lifetime. Maybe its the bear, or the fact that it has such a foul mouth that makes this movie totally hilarious, or the fact that one can totally relate to it as it details every single man-child manifestation there seems to exist about men. From the girlfriend vs. bestfriend wars, to not dealing with emotions, childhood fears, 'immaturity', and what not; Mark Warhlberg who I thought was too old for this in the trailers was the perfect 35 year old who needs to grow up, after all, a man with a talking bear, no matter how awesome that bear is, is still a man with a bear. I'm going to stop here lest I ruin the magic of it in my head.

The Sweetest Thing (April 2002)
This one frankly bored me last year when I first saw it starting on HBO so I promptly flipped the channel in my bout channel-hopping. However, since I inadvertently got this copy from a friend, I decided to give this movie a chance, and then I realized its not so bad.

Typical Hot Blonde. Hot. Bitch. There's a running commentary of men who hates her. She's easy to lay, but closed off in emotions. Perfect for a one night stand but totally clueless about relationships until she decides to take a chance and drive halfway across the state to chase a man she had a connection with in a club only to find that it was already his wedding day the day she arrived. What is the guy to do, cancel his wedding of course!

But all is not lost with this movie because at the day there's this marvelous ode to the male organ sang in the tune of "I'm too sexy for my shirt" and some pretty horrific scenarios I do not want to be caught in, including but not limited to, having a d*ck stuck on your throat. Pretty good laugh even if its gutter humor. 

500 Days of Summer (October 2009)
I just love, love, loveeeee this movie! If I were an English or Humanities Prof, I'd give the writer and director of this movie and A++. This movie brings that scenic quality reading novels brings while keeping the oomph factor and the drama for movies very much intact. My heart went out to this young boy the moment the movie started with the line... this is not a love story. All throughout the movie I was readying myself for a Kleenex because my dear young boy is falling in love and its not his story just yet. I wanted to poke my screen, tell him to come to his senses, and stop himself from falling until he does... But you know what I loved most about this story? That even if things don't go our way, it does not mean we have missed our happy ending.

A Lot Like Love (Aug 2005)
If you are more impressed with the photographs taken within the movie rather than the movie itself that's a pretty bad sign. 
From the moment the movie started, the my first thought was, 'who the hell is this demi moore look a like?', and looking at Ashton Kutcher, well yeah I get the way he looks cute, but he kind of didnot throw off the look of 'dumb'. Its not like he is acting at all, as if he was just doing what he does in his everyday life - talking, having fun with his friends, and getting away with it because, well he looks cute. Cute and cute and that's pretty much it. No I don't hate Ashton, in fact I kind of liked him from his eyes, but I can't help but feel disappointed with this film and him. Considering this was 2005, and the fuckbuddy concept was not over used back then, this movie is totally flat. Just like Valentines Day. Oh wait he starred in that one too. 

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