Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bus Ride Logic

                                                                                                                                                  People's peculiar behavior in public transportation can be a point of observation. One of which is the tendency to flock towards the entry/exit points even if they do not plan on getting off the vehicle anytime soon. 

People in the trains or the bus would rather suffer the heat, the sardine like press against each other to be able to stand by the door, even if there is standing room available at the back. However in defense of those who keep on standing in front I shall argue for them on the basis of the following:

  1. Air-conditioning is better at the doors. Really, notice that they even dedicate a vent just upon the entrance to shower you with cold air? During long trips the conditioning at the back wanes or totally becomes lost when the vehicle is stuck in traffic.
  2. Thieves may corner you at the back. I was the unfortunate victim of one. I used to prefer window seats at the back because I have the place to myself with a clear view. Until one day a guy sat next to me (I was in the two-seater chair) and started eating into my space. When I was about to tell him off, he asked me to read his celphone and it contained commands to give him my bag and not to make a sound. I do not know what came over me but I suddenly stood up and said "Mama! Wag ka na nga magulo bababa na ako! (Mister stop fooling around this is my stop already. Stop the bus) Para!"  I was able to get off and for the first time in my life I was actually glad to see an MMDA personnel and run towards him. 
  3. Aside from thieves there are perverts rampant there. One time our group was flashed with a penis by a guy standing, another time my classmate was groped. Being in the far back conditions your mind that you are isolated and cannot yell for help or something might happen to you first before help comes. 
  4. When people start crowding towards the exit point of the Jeepney - everyone is trying to avoid to be seated next to the driver (not because he might smell bad) because he/she does not want to be the one passing the fare all the way to the front throughout the ride. Though it is very annoying when you have a lot of packages with you and people just wont give way. Or when youngsters sit on the edge and expect you to sit-walk to the driver to hand it for them when they wouldn't do it themselves (chalk it up to being mataray, I give these students a stern talking to, it is just so disrespectful! )
That being said I do not think of people's behavior on public transport as conscious actions, so most of the time I try not to mind the inconvenience it brings. It just fuels my desire to buy my own car after I graduate. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I wish book writing was as easy as writing this blog post...

On Going Against the Blank Page
I've been telling myself to get a groove on. I have four book chapters to write and an output to show for it by Friday, a reaction paper and a reviewer to finish by Monday and here I am into my second day of working against the blank page. I tried shifting subjects but nothing comes to mind; its quite irritating honestly because its not like I'm working on fiction where my creativity packed up and left me, nor is it totally like rocket science mathematics which is barely discernible to mere mortals like me. Is this a weather triggered depression? Hell, if it were good luck to me since there is already climate change. 

Sims Social Layout Issues
Currently, I am wasting time with Sim Socials on my so called mini-breaks. There are those who definitely need an architect when they will build a house for themselves someday; obsessive-compulsive persons like me on the other hand can't seem to rest until the rest of the planning and layout is perfect. I am obsessing because I want to use this exercise to envision what I want my house to look like when I get the money a few years from now (well its not thoroughly accurate as I am mightily disappointed that the house lot does not provide enough space for a car park, a hippodrome, and an Olympic sized pool or a helipad). So far, I managed to take down the entire house to rebuild the entire floor layout. I decided I'd get bigger rooms for the Kitchen, Dining and Library/Work Space. I do not know what to do with the Jacuzzi and the painting easels that were somewhat mandatory for my art skills in the game

The layout for the Sim Social is a 16x16 floor area. The rooms available are as shown above except for the 8x6 piece which I cannot afford to buy yet. They should really put in more clothes in the decoration area as I plan to create a walk in closet. 

(Anne's House)
One of the Sim Social's pads I really like the layout of, is that of the above. Compared to other high leveled houses its not too crowded with items to level up, there is allotment for a garden space and well, your sim character doesn't get trapped when trying to go from room to room especially as my character has teleporting powers based on different moods and when it enters a blocked room, it cannot get out later by walking.

I'll probably post finished pics of the house I want when I finish the things I really have to do first. 

On the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant
To be honest, I was home alone with access to TV and I did not even take the opportunity to watch it. Not that I think Ms. Shamcey Supsup is not going to win and its a waste of time, rather for me, odds are we wouldn't be so lucky to place again so soon after Venus Raj's (and really, who wants to watch all that commercial anyway?). Seeing the replays on the evening news made me regret my decision and I have to say I was totally happy with her answer in the Q&A portion. 

There was a bit of furor over at the UP online groups debating as to whether or not she answered the question correctly, People on the other side were saying she should have said a more UP-like answer, which would go for the theme of unifying all religions and not go for a decision of one against the other. On the contrary I think her answer was very much like that of UP - strong, hardlined and based on her principles, delivered without fear in front of the masses, the entire multi-million who watched the pageant last night. I guess there isn't really a way to please everybody, but as a co-Isko/Iska they should just support her instead. I am particularly dismayed with one twitter person which was even mentioned on TV Patrol stating that she looked like a tranny and that she was particularly not proud of being identified as a fellow Pinay with Shamcey. Seriously, it is people like her that Filipinos can't get a move on and succeed. Let us stop all this crab mentality and show support!

Manny Pacquiao
Pursuant to the theme of keeping mum when you do not have anything nice to say, I am dithering if I should still continue with this part. All I can say is that he doesn't meet the constitutionally stated age requirement to run as Vice President of this country. As to competency, I would not doubt his capability in the boxing arena, but I am afraid boxing is not part of customary international law or whatever it is that matters to fend off China from brazenly claiming rights to our Kalayaan Group of Islands, or claiming of the West Philippine Sea as part of its internal waters. 

During election time, the masses would say its better to side with someone not so good brains wise, instead of someone very bright but corrupt, but do they not realize that if the guy is a bit dim on the learning side he will have to surround himself with the good ones still? and this time its even worse because he wouldn't have an idea on what is happening behind his back. GAH!

On UP and its lower ranking this year
What is coming to our country and state the of education ?! Singapore will soon launch its Ipad Program for its schools while we cannot even supply enough paper and pencils to ours. People drafting the budget should realize that they cannot keep on cutting it and expect stellar performance! It is like expecting a malnourished athlete to win the track and field race! That is simple logic, no need to have a task force created to investigate. Where did all our funding go? Were our schools able to contribute to the international academia papers, publications or studies which is the basis of these rankings? Oh wait, it was cut in favor of other stuff in favor of other government projects, such as building infrastructure? Right, and they still keep on charging as 80 pesos toll fee for a barely 3KM stretch of road to get to Ayala.

Argh. Now I am becoming like one professor whose opinion was asked because he was always "upset" about the current events. /end rant

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Out from my reverie

September used to be such a jovial thing to look forward to. It meant that I could sing, "Last Christmas I gave you my heart", or "Jingle Bells" without someone looking at me, thinking I was insane for singing it out of season. September harkened Christmas, my favorite time of the year especially when I was still working. It meant Christmas bonuses, and well triple pay for holidays that I'll end up working because when you are single and the youngest among the lot, all the oldies go on vacations touting their seniority to allow them to do so.

It also gave one an excuse to catch-up with long forgotten friends without having to go through the awkward moments of them asking you where have you been? Once I've been called a ninja because I just disappear. Sometimes though, I think that I am starting to dread all these catch-up coffees where you learn everyone else is getting married, having children, while I am, well here. Not that I want to have a family already God forbid, but its like everyone I know seem to have moved on, while I am doing my best to type up the rest of my reviewers and try not to dread the end of September and finals.

I think I like this semester better though. I missed my old batchmates and I'm beginning to feel like my old self again.  Less grumpy and actually enjoying what I am reading (or not reading). Heck, I even get to see my old undergraduate crush woot woot! Except for well, the fact that there are more instances of me feeling like, "oh shit, how many papers do I still have to type?" I am happy as a clam

Priorities shift and change through the years. I am quite thankful that I am able to do what I have said I will do way back from kindergarten. Living out the childhood dream(or more appropriately real life hell?) is the thought that moves me to trudge on and to chase the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. May my quest not end up to be that of Don Quixote's chase for the elusive Dulcinea.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Much Ado About Nothing - The Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton

In about seven hours the nuptials of the latest "wedding of the century" between Kate Middleton and Prince William (who may or may not have a last name) is about to start. This line is always used to describe the union of a rich and famous couple, and being the next in line to the British throne, this ceremony certainly merits the usage of the clichéd phrase.

 Wedding photos and videos to be taken by veteran fashion photographers, cakes with too many layers and realistic looking sugar flowers, wedding rings made of welsh gold = all luscious and expensive, but nothing that can guaranty the longevity of this marriage. For all its ceremonial hype, it doesn’t stand for anything more than a momentary lapse of realty, of a commoner being married to a prince, for a period of a day before all this excitement leads to fatigue and is buried under the next breaking news of tomorrow, only to be revisited once news of a disintegrating marriage has come afloat like what happened with Diana and Charles.

I have no bone to pick with the royal couple. I am not bitter because she got the crown prince, after all there is still Harry and who would want all THAT attention anyway? A CNN correspondent mentioned that after the nuptials, Kate would be then attending 400+ other events for the rest of the year, which is actually more than the days in a year. Good luck to that.

The thing I am directly opposed to is all the waste and unmerited hype. We are celebrating a marriage ceremony not a fashion gala; after being forced to listen to the television for a few hours now since the locals in my area have started this wedding vigil, there has been no mention of the preparations for the solemn Christian rights to be performed. It’s all speculation about what the dress would look like, her hair, make-up and wedding coordination. All these preparations for a single event that will not change the world – So what if they get married, London now has its parliament. The budget for the expensive caviar could have funded the UN food aid program for a few more days.
What this wedding stands for is the disillusionment of needing a fairytale romance, and a perfect wedding ceremony to be happy. No wonder we have bridezillas at this day and age. It imposes the want, disguised as need, to find the perfect groom, the imperative to hold a million money’s worth to orchestrate the perfect day, and fuelling the dissatisfaction and depression when these ridiculous notions are not met. Some do not even get to marry because they keep on chasing after the ideal man.

What does this wedding do for the common man? More than ever, it emphasizes the harsh reality that not all men are born equal. While some children are born on the hills of Payatas, while people are living in communes and starving in North Korea, there are those who have born with a silver spoon on their mouths and are Navy Admirals before they reach even reach 30.

Weddings may be happy affairs, but they should also have been private affairs. I see no reason why there should be such a production of it.

10 Things a Driver Should Know

The MMDA has recently posted this link on its twitter account, to enable the public to protect itself from scrupulous enforcers. Take note of the following:

    1.    MMDA Enforcers are not allowed to group together while apprehending a motorist. They are not even allowed to stand together in groups of two (2) or more, except in actual times of special operations (e.g. apprehending groups of smoke-belching/colorum buses).

    2.    Swerving is not a traffic violation. It is defined as a movement wherein vehicles shift from a lane to another. However, it can constitute the offense of reckless driving if it is done without precautions (e.g. swerving in an abrupt and careless manner, swerving without the use of signals).

    3.    A driver’s license cannot be confiscated by a Traffic Enforcer during traffic apprehensions except on the following situations:
                a.    The driver was involved in a traffic accident
               b.    The driver has accumulated three (3) or more unsettled violations
               c.    The driver has been apprehended for the following violations:

    •    Allowing another person to use driver’s license
    •    Broken sealing wire
    •    Broken taximeter seal
    •    Colorum operation (cargo/passenger vehicle)
    •    Driving against traffic
    •    Fake driver’s license
    •    Fake/altered taximeter seal
    •    Fake/altered sealing wire
    •    Fast/defective/non-operational/tampered taxi meter
    •    Flagged up meter
    •    Illegal or unauthorized counter-flow
    •    Illegal transfer of plates/tags/stickers
    •    Joined/reconnected sealing wire
    •    No driver’s ID
    •    Ignoring Organized Bus Route (OBR) interval timers (for 2nd offense)
    •    Skipping or bypassing designated OBR terminals or loading bays (for 2nd offense)
    •    Operating on contractual basis
    •    Out of line operation
    •    Overcharging (with or without conductor) (for the 2nd offense)
    •    Refusal to convey passengers to destination/trip-cutting (Taxis and Public Utility Vehicles)
    •    Refusal to render service to public (Taxis and Public Utility Vehicles)
    •    Tampered sealing wire
    •    Tampered taximeter seal
    •    Tampering of OR/CR/CPC & other documents (spurious documents)
    •    Undue preference/unjust discrimination
    •    Using motor vehicle in commission of crime

The above-mentioned administrative violations also require a minimum of 2 hours seminar (for the drivers) at the Traffic Academy.

However, any driver who has committed three (3) or more unpaid violations, whether administrative or moving, shall also be subject to attending seminars, whose length shall be based on the results of the diagnostic exam (exam that will determine the contents of the seminar progress), which will be administered by the Agency.

*Note: If the license is to be confiscated, the Traffic Enforcer should inform the driver of the reason/s for the confiscation and the ticket validity.

If the driver refuses to surrender his driver’s license, his plate may be detached pursuant to Section 74 & 75, MC 89-105.
    1.    Private Vehicles are not allowed to use the yellow lane except when they are about to turn - provided that they start shifting lanes upon seeing the transition lane (broken white lines painted diagonally), that you can see around 50 meters away from an intersection. However, selective apprehension of private vehicles using the yellow lane is highly prohibited.
The yellow lanes (1st and 2nd lanes in EDSA) are only for City Buses. City Buses are not allowed to go beyond the yellow lanes. If they do so, they will be apprehended for violating the yellow lane policy.Provincial buses are also not allowed to use the yellow lane. Instead, they are encouraged to use the third lane.
    2.    Each Traffic Enforcer has his/her own written mission order issued by the MMDA Central Admin. Apprehended drivers are free to ask for the apprehending officer’s mission order, which includes his area of responsibility, time of duty, official function. It also indicates whether or not the enforcer is authorized to issue tickets.
    3.    Traffic Enforcers should issue TVR in complete uniform, with visible nameplates. Traffic Enforcers are instructed to accomplish the TVR (Traffic Violation Receipt) without any delay or argument on the road, so as to avoid traffic congestion.
    4.    The Apprehending Enforcer is allowed to issue another TVR for Towing Fee. If the owner of the impounded vehicle fails to release his vehicle after payment of fine in the stipulated date, the impounding officer shall issue a separate TVR indicating no. of days it has remained at the impounding area.
    5.    Before apprehending, the Traffic Enforcer should flag down the vehicle and lead it to the roadside where it will not obstruct the flow of traffic. Traffic Enforcers should courteously inform the driver of his violation.
    6.    Traffic Enforcers are not allowed to ask drivers to alight from their vehicles while the apprehension is taking place. Most importantly, Traffic Enforcers are not allowed to ask or receive bribe money.
    7.    During traffic apprehensions, the following can be considered as a valid driver’s license:
    •    ID Plastic Card
    •    DLR / Temporary Driver’s License
    •    TOP (Temporary Operator’s Permit)
    •    International Driver’s License
    •    Foreign License
The Traffic Enforcer should exercise extra diligence in verifying the veracity of the data or documents presented.
If you encounter any Traffic Enforcer violating any of these, get the name of the Traffic Enforcer indicated on his/her name plate, and submit a letter of complaint addressed to the Traffic Adjudication Board (TAB), MMDA Bldg. EDSA cor. Orense St. Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City, within 5 days after the apprehension.
In case you are involved in an argument with a Traffic Enforcer, call the MMDA Hotline 136, or the Metrobase at 0917-561-8711. Ask the Metrobase to send inspectors to go to the place where the argument is taking place for proper investigation.
You may also e-mail complaints against erring Traffic Enforcers to the MMDA thru Include full details of the incident (attach photos or videos if possible), so that they will be able to act promptly on the matter.

I myself have been victimized by  "officers" flagging me down for swerving, when there was even a painted arrow sign on the lane itself  - the one located at paranaque slex corner airport road, and I've seen that many others are being flagged for such every morning. Be aware, be prepared to protect yourself. It may save you at least 200 pesos or the hassle of having to file a VL just to retrieve your license. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

one year down, three to go

Classes have already ended, fully concluding my first year in law. It fills me a bit with nostalgia, and  I cannot help but look back at the things I encountered here.

Going to law school full time after a two year of break from university life threw me out of the loop.

  1. Its a bit disconcerting to find classmates born in the 1990s when all this time I thought of them as kids. Its been a while since I've encountered doodles on page margins like these --->

  2. It also put social life to a ground breaking halt ~ no more gimmicks or movies on payday nights, good bye to sleep-all-day-mall-till-it-closes weekends and hello to reading two reams of paper every week, and making digests/notes for each case you've read (ranges from 300-700 cases/ per subject/semester).
  3. Sometimes I am filled with guilt about all the paper law students consume in a year (I swear when I become a hot shot lawyer I shall start contributing to Oplan Kalikasan or other tree planting organizations)
  4. I used to go to school with just my wallet, a pocket notebook, Gtech 0.3 and a cellphone;
    Now I bought my first ever pencil case completely loaded with highlighters (replaced every week?); I have a P500 Yea! binder (most expensive ever, with 3 holes for future taking-apart and binding purposes), stapler, post-its, 3M banderitas, folders and tons of binder clips. My bag is so heavy that a boyfriend carrying it would consider it as a work-out regimen.
  5. Time Management + Study Habits are forced to be formed.
  6. Dealing with the relative vacuum- In relation to #2, law students are generally unaware of other things not related to law, case in point: When Chem Pavilion was burning which was across our building + Sunken Garden, we did not know about it at all until the next day because it was already on TV patrol. Sometimes you feel you haven't seen your outside world friends for two weeks so far when in reality you have been out of touch for 5 months already and then you wonder whether has it been that long really.
  7. Drinking coffee is now Mandatory.
  8. People only need 4 hours of sleep to function. Sometimes even less
  9. Sedentary lifestyle. Do not bother with gym memberships, you will not go to it. Try buying a treadmill instead, one that comes with a book stand like what Sandra Bullock had in the opening of the movie, The Proposal. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

These pictures pretty much define my life right now:

Technically I was on a break from February 25- March 1, and successfully read nothing.

Now I am sorely paying for it (Re: 3 Reams of Cases).
"In a Relationship with Malcolm (Hall/Hell) and It's Complicated"

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Perils of Interconnectedness

Yesterday I looked at the facebook page of someone and I saw among his status updates of how he was able to find information about the person just by googling that person's username. Self-conscious, I did a brief check on mine to see if this profile is pretty locked in tight, and the little paranoid self of mine was pretty satisfied. There are just some things that I would like to keep private even if nothing about them is incriminating or interesting. Why should the world care if I just ate my breakfast on twitter or that I liked a specific article in CNN? Its no different when I go to Jollibee Katipunan to eat breakfast and read the free Star newspaper. 

Perhaps to some level we do care. When I was a teenager, I was happily fond of such technologies as it made knowing my crush a little bit easier - there was no need to make the effort to befriend his friends just to know whether or not he has a girlfriend, or God forbid, a boyfriend. Teenagers have it easier now that there is foursquare, so they could make all the stupid alibis about running into them by chance (which totally removes the concept of serendipity, how unromantic) 

Then there is the argument, "there is nothing wrong with it as people put those information  willingly." However, what about those pictures which my friends tagged without me knowing or actually approving - someone actually sees them before I can untag myself. Gone were the days when mistakes of the past can easily be attributed to the follies of childhood and forgotten. Now it will come back to haunt you during job search time in full color, filling up your profile with what should be statistically inaccurate data as studies have already shown that a teenage brain is not fully developed to make correct decisions and yet, you shall be judge by the decisions made during your incapacity for the rest of your life. Also, there are information that anyone who could have put forth online thinking it was secure or harmless, but when aggregated could be harmful in the long run and it could not be deleted due to the number of back-up archives, making you lose control over it forever. 

When the internet was still new, and people were connecting to it via 56kbps dial-up modems (does anyone remember Edsamail?) there was a good level of anonymity. Every time you log in you get a different ip-address. People were free to choose their username and dispose of it whenever they want. Now we have Facebook which basically did away with those and instead posted our real identities over the internet making us vulnerable to identity theft. How vulnerable? By posting your real name and birthday on it, geeks can hax your credit card. 

But my real beef with Facebook is not just with what appears above; the mere fact that people can rifle through my life via my wall, suddenly ask "Close kayo ni____". First, what do you care? Second, "not really" then there's the follow-up questions of "and why is he/she posting on your wall" argh. We're not close okay! I'm friends with him/her because it seemed not polite not to add her back especially if he/she is a co-worker. Or third, suddenly it makes some people feel that just because we are Facebook friends we are now best buds. This post from tumblr just about sums it up  \/

I should probably make a username based Facebook to keep my lives separate. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

UP Fair, and Goodbye Sugarfree

Last February 18, along with friends from undergrad we went to the annual UP Fair held at Sunken Garden. It was an impromptu meet-up and considering that it featured the last performance of Sugarfree (yes, they are disbanding) I thought we wouldn't be able to get tickets. Surprisingly unlike the last time I went (three years ago), the crowd has not yet thickened at 6PM and we were able to get tickets without a hassle. Come 8PM when some of my working friends arrived, the line reached Vinzon's hall. Close to ten pm when the good bands such as 6 Cycle mind and Imago have started to play, people are already waiting around in front of Law building.

At first the crowd was quiet. A young band (the singer looked like 17 years old) even said the people were like inside a library although I'd rather attribute it to their boring songs, it seems that in general people went to the fair for one reason alone - that was to see Sugarfree perform in the UP Fair for the last time.

Before coming to UP, I did not know any pinoy band except for Eraserheads. I first learned of Sugarfree when my classmate was so excited about our new professor for Polsci 160 because he was the bassist of the band; I'm like what's that? Pretty soon some of my classmates were bringing CD's of their friends to school and would ask Sir Jal to sign them just before classes start. I think in our finals for that subject he gave out 5 points for those who watched their benefit concert for UP Manila which cost P250 pesos (you got a concert ticket + Dramachine CD). Soon enough my classmates fandom mania rubbed off on me and I religiously went to UP fair nights when they are playing long after the classes ended.

Last Friday they played the songs which had cemented their fame into Pinoy music consciousness:

1. Prom

2. Mariposa
3. Overdrive (yes, by Eraserheads)
4. Burnout
5. Hari ng Sablay
6. Tulog Na

Ebe as you can see here is already thinner with longer hair. I think most of the fraternities maxed out their backstage passes as students milled around the singer on stage lol .

Some of those who went were moved to tears when the band was saying good bye. If only it were possible, I wished that they did not disband. I would have still listened to them even if they reached the age of Rico Puno. Their last 45 minutes of airtime was not enough.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Breaking one of my childhood "truths"

Yesterday I went to UP Likas, UP ALYANSA, and UP Law Batch 2014 sponsored (I had to mention everyone of them because its election season and they all have to be mentioned in one way or another) forum series about the Legal System in the Philippines. For their first event, they decided to interview a Hubert Webb to describe his experiences when he was incarcerated due to the Vizconde Massacre.

When I first heard of this forum series, I was looking forward to it. I wanted to see for myself what does he have to say after everything. Considering this was a forum in UP, people are free to ask any question ( unlike if it were held in Ateneo, where they usually have participants write on a piece of paper so that they can screen questions before putting them forward to their guests). 

Seeing him there live was a bit surreal. Being part of the generation which grew up with the 'truth' that Hubert Webb killed the Vizconde family members out of jealousy while in a drug haze, I was among those who cried "Acquittal does not mean innocence" when the Supreme Court recently declared that the evidence presented cannot stand to convict him beyond reasonable doubt (before I even read the decision). To see him walk inside the halls of Malcolm, free, and escorted by his cousins who all look well, and well to do, I cannot help but have an internal cringe for poor Mr. Lauro Vizconde who cried on National TV when the SC reversed the ruling of the CA and the RTC.

Despite my biases I went; despite these biases I tried to keep an open mind. 

Before going up the stage, Hubert went into a corner and prayed. Then he went to the couch on the stage and  spent a couple of restless moments on it.

Hubert Webb was seated on the stage with a host named Gan (who also holds weekly educational sessions for prisoners detained at the Bilibid)  Atty. Adel Tamano who said UP Law was the best law school in QC only (he said please allow me to have this chance while my wife, a up law graduate, is not around), good looking as ever came in 2 hours late/r to answer law related questions like can the state be sued for its negligence in losing evidence (possible yes, winnable - doubtful), and against Inquirer for libel (same;same) 

Surprisingly, no one asked him if he really did it. Lol. However there were the usual questions - How was life for you now that you're out of the four walls? Great. Did you get to enjoy the paid "temporary freedoms"? No, it was only for low profile convicts. Why did you have a bigger cell than the rest of the inmates? Monetary donations to the institution helped. Did you pay for your freedom? If I could have paid for it, why did I have to wait for 15 years inside before doing so?. Did your brother really do it and your family pointed you to take the blame because you had a real alibi?No. Why was the fact that you were in US never came out? Because Teofisto Guingona and others hid the investigation report. Why did de Lima never confirm it? For some reason it she cannot seem to find the time to verify my presence when all it takes is one phone call all this time since I got out. Are your co-accused truly innocent? All I know is that they were in the Philippines and I wasn't. Did you ever take drugs while inside? Did you feel any bad feelings towards your fellow co-accused? One can't help but feel that way as I was the only one being interviewed all the time, they wouldn't talk and they all rode in my alibi Etc. He answered all the questions candidly, and truthfully. 

He said that he didn't mind the questions because the people asking them were the intelligent ones who are capable of critical analysis and will not paint him as the great demon (media) without hearing him first. For that reason, the media were also not allowed inside. Poor good looking Atom Araullo was sent away :( 

I was recording the entire thing but for some divine intervention, my camera heated up and hanged, and lost all 2 hours of it. Perhaps his prayer before the interview did work. 

I expected mudslinging, woe-is-me attitude, and I'm-free-in-your-face-cockiness, and I didn't find it. Instead I found a person who seemingly just came from John Rawl's Veil of Ignorance who advocates for the reform of the Philippine Criminal Justice system, reforms anyone of us can agree with (even if we have different opinions about his guilt). He described the lack of investigation, the absence of forensics capability, the negligence of the NBI to lose vital evidence, the promotion of system of Judges who gets brownie points for every conviction not every resolution of a case and the overcrowding in the prison systems. The problems in the system are undeniable and as he pointed out, if it could happen to the son of a rich politician, it can happen to anybody.

 A portion was spent on his youth, his thoughts looking back and his way ahead. This was the part which I found most enlightening. Problems are not something you can hide or run away from, you just deal. People may say that they have so many problems, but he has been there and that. "People have to have one truth that they believe in otherwise with all the pressure you will just want to kill yourself". His life was taken away from him. Does he experience any hate actions, yes he does. Did it affect him? He said his experience in prison was much worse than this and he can take it. He can understand why people actually do and accepts it. Until such time the real culprits are found will the perspective change. He adequately describes this facebook generation where people are so afraid to be unLiked and if negative comments are posted anonymously they keep thinking about it all they. Not being able to please everyone is a fact of life. Deal.

After the 3 hour session with him I found myself agreeing to most of what he said.

Do I still sympathize with Mr. Vizconde? 
I will offer him my condolences for the death of his family and that he is yet to find justice. 
Do I still think he is guilty? 
Reading the SC decision and how it was concluded, I agree. The evidence presented cannot convict him as the culprit for the Vizconde Massacre.
Do I still feel he is guilty? 
Maybe not.anymore.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mona Lisa "decoded"

There is an article on yahoo today aiming to discover the real model of the Mona Lisa. According to the art historian Silvano Vincenti, it was based on the likeness of Leonardo Da Vinci's male lover and student, known as Salai. Upon seeing the picture of Salai attached, this art historian must really be on to something. With a few more taps on the web I did find this picture of the Mona Lisa super imposed with the likeness of Salai, and voila!
View Image

Saturday, January 22, 2011

GE X5 Digital Camera ~ First Time

GE X5 is my first ever digital camera after years of using a Canon Ixus that still runs on Advantix Film. I do not know if I should thank my errant neighbor for springing the need for evidence collection which consequently led to the purchase of this camera. It is a bargain since it has 14 MP with 15x optical zoom for only P8,000/6mos. w/o accessories. It is considered a bridge camera as it has the automatic face detection, red eye reduction, etc... of point and shoots, as well as manual modes with aperture(and other photo terminologies I have never heard of before)  for an introduction to a DSLR camera.

I took some shots of my immediate vicinity and after a few blurry tries they were successful. I should have really read the manual before trying because the controls of this camera is not something you can intuitively operate unlike that of a Nokia mobile phone which you can operate even if you have never held one in your hand before. See how messed up this one is considering that I was sitting in front of it.  

Well technically, the manual did not help much. 

However, after more fiddling (and seriously considering driving back to Rockwell to return it)  I found more menu clickables and there was an automatic option called the Leaf View - for those nature shots etc, which seemed to work fine fore everything else so I stuck to it. 

The thing that amazed me most about this camera is the range of the optical zoom. I was currently seated at the second floor this building and the subjects were at least 50 meters away from me - 

I can even see the child's face from the zoom! 

The image stabilizer is working so well, I haven't even taken the tripod from the box yet. 

The Obligatory First Post

Another blog for another year. Good thing new blogs can be availed of for free. Hopefully, this one keeps my interest longer than the others did. Having a new pet project will keep the interest in posting more (crosses fingers) especially as a few hundred dollars have been sunk on it.

Curious? See below (photo courtesy of Yuga Tech) - 

ETA: So far so good. This review of GE X5 is particularly helpful.